Let’s Face this Cancer with ASCELUS
Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in nearly any part of the body can become cancer cells, and can then spread to other areas of the body. Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate gland, which is a small walnut-shaped gland in males that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer.
Prostate cancer is an illness associated with substantial physical, emotional, social, and financial ramifications for affected individuals and their families. In a significant number of cases, the diagnosis of cancer is either preceded by a period of gradual, nonspecific symptoms or discovered by routine screening, and individuals are then thrust into a whirlwind of diagnostic testing, invasive procedures, and complicated treatments with very little warning or opportunity to assimilate their circumstances.
Prostate cancer may cause no signs or symptoms in its early stages.
Prostate cancer that’s more advanced may cause signs and symptoms such as:
· Trouble urinating
· Decreased force in the stream of urine
· Blood in the urine
· Blood in the semen
· Bone pain
· Losing weight without trying
· Erectile dysfunction
When it comes to wait in the long queues for consulting a doctor in this technological era, nobody really wants to opt for it. And that is the reason why online doctor consultation is so much in demand these days. The Internet has made our lives easier by offering healthcare services online. Most people want things to be done from the comfort of their home, and that is why they opt for online medical consultations.
In the digital age, if there’s an issue, there’s a smartphone app that addresses it. For patients and families dealing with cancer, thankfully, the options are plenty.
No matter what your diagnosis, level of understanding or internet savvy, there’s an app for cancer that can help you. It’s important to remember that these tools are not meant in any way to replace a doctor or specialist, but they can bring relief, organization and help connect to resources and people who wish to provide support to cancer patient.
What problem are they facing?
· Asking patients suffering from cancer to wait for hours in long ques at clinics is not fair specially when they are unwell. Along with that, transportation also consumes ample amount of time from their schedule.
· The personal and financial cost to men and their families is also substantial requiring more frequent appointments for blood tests, toxicity monitoring and up to 15 clinic visits per year.
· The most problematic results of poor communication arising in the medical office are possibility of medical errors, long waiting times, staff frustration, poor treatments or recommendations and incomplete follow-ups.
· These issues have encouraged exploration of alternative strategies to deliver care in line with the 2019 NHS long-term plan, which aims to reduce outpatient attendances by up to one-third within 5 years.
How can Ascelus help?
· A solution to the above discussed problem could be in an app which can be a direct link between the patient and the doctor. A two-way communication platform between patient application and clinical user application can solve many issues. A platform that will help hospitals and clinics to track patients having ongoing treatment to follow-ups to discharge.
· Itecho Health has developed an innovative digital platform (AscelusTM) which can potentially address this demand, especially when patients are on oral therapy, by reducing the requirement to attend hospital whilst maintaining full communication between patient, GP and the hospital. The AscelusTM digital platform integrates with NHS IT systems and allows patients to be securely linked via their smartphone or other device with their existing clinical team, allowing face-to-face outpatient appointments to be replaced by a convenient mobile interaction.
· It is led by clinicians and experts in technology and business and has ambitious plans to harness the increasing demand for innovative digital health solutions to capacity and quality issues in healthcare systems and establish itself as a UK leader in this sector, with international outreach.
· The app will enable patients to add their symptoms and blood reports beforehand, which will help the doctor to be prepared for the diagnosis and the treatment.
· It also includes features that allow patients to get up to date information on cancer, log, remember and track their treatments, doctors’ visit reminders, receive advice on how to manage side effects, provide cost of care information, and connect to links for cancer-related podcasts, videos, and blogs.
App Work Flow
Key Features
Let us now look at some of the features this App has to offer.
· Virtual clinic
· Integrated hospital IT system with experienced clinicians
· Scheduling appointments
· Video conferencing consultations
· Symptom tracker
· Secured and Protected patient’s data system
· Blood tests results
· Other test algorithms
· Emergency appointments
· Clinical advice
· Prescribing medicines with medication instructions
Use Cases
Let us now gloss over a few use cases for which Online Healthcare Apps have proved to be innovative.
Online Consultation
Patients can now consult with experienced clinicians anytime they are comfortable with. They don’t have to stand in long ques worrying about time, yet can see the doctor via video conferencing. Full consultation can be done at the tip of the fingers.
Add your Test reports
Patients can add their symptoms, blood reports if necessary. The clinician will study the reports and will diagnose accordingly. It also saves you from the hassle of carrying the reports and misplacing them.